If someone in your household regularly suffers from allergies or sinus problems, there could be issues with the quality of air.
Read MoreSelling your home involves a heck of a lot more than just planting a ‘For Sale’ sign on your front yard. There are still some considerations to be made, and some work to be done before your home ever hits the market.
Read MoreWhat stays and what goes when you buy a new home? While it might seem like a no-brainer that the appliances or light fixtures might be staying, making assumptions like these could burn you come closing day.
Read MoreLiving in a small house or apartment can be challenging, even if you have few belongings when you move in. Over time, you’ll inevitably collect more items, requiring you to creatively store things with limited closet space and shelving.
Read MoreAfter pounding the pavement for what seems like forever, you’ve finally found the place you want to put an offer on. But alas, someone else has already got their fingers on it, and it’s a cash buyer, no less.
Read MoreConsidering how many hours of the day are spent in your bedroom, it makes sense to pour a little focus and budget into this often-overlooked space. After a busy day, it would be nice to come home and retreat to a comfortable, soothing, esthetically-pleasing bedroom.
Read MoreWithout realizing it, we’re affected by the colors that surround us throughout the day. While the walls of your home may be plastered with the same neutral tone while it’s on the market, part of making it your new home is customizing it to your own preferences.
Read MoreHouseplants scrub the air in your home, they lend a tranquil vibe to any room, and as a design element they’re super versatile, adding color, texture, and shape for great interest and appeal
Read MoreThe downward spiral of debt is a dangerous one, especially when that debt is attached to extremely high interest rates, typical of credit card debt. With rates as high as 36%, it can be very challenging to climb back out for air.
Read MoreThe start of the new year is the time when many people make resolutions to themselves to improve their lives in some form or fashion. Losing weight, finding a better job, or traveling tend to be among the more popular New Year resolutions, but if buying or selling your home is on the agenda for 2023, there are other specific resolutions that should be on your list, and that you should stick to.
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